Item #29: Salt Rock

Today brought a few reminders that I’m way behind on my 100 objects project. The second occurred when I looked back at my list so far and saw that it seemed that I’d missed a number in my inventory, resulting in a review of all items and several trips down memory lanes, cul-de-sacs, and back... Continue Reading →

Remembering Pop

It is a week of remembrances, in a month of loss, in a year of change and fear. Pop left us 10 years ago today, and like most of the recent past, it seems like both a lifetime ago and just yesterday. In a book I read recently, the main character and his friends have... Continue Reading →

Crashing coffee cups

April 27th is Tell-a-Story Day. It is also what would have been my Pop’s 72nd birthday. So it seems highly appropriate to tell a story about him. A short one this year, inspired by a comment by a friend. She was describing how she frequently, in her haste to get going in the morning, will leave her coffee cup... Continue Reading →

Item #23 – Green canvas shirt

This article about an article of clothing reminded me of this item of mine. This green canvas shirt by LL Bean was given to me by my Pop nearly 25 years ago, and has become a treasured item and an example of clothing that lasts. Pop gave it to me for Christmas in 1993 (I... Continue Reading →

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